March 23, 2008

Acar Campur

Acar Campur
Sour Veggie Relish

Crisp, cool and tangy, acar campur is perfect for extinguishing the fire. Provided of course that you avoid eating the bird peppers.

1 carrot, julienned
3 bird chili peppers
2 spring onions, inch lengths
1 cucumber, julienned
1 tsp salt in 2 cups water
2 cups vinegar
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp salt
2 shallots, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, cleaned

  • Soak the carrots, chilies, spring onion and cucumber for 15 minutes in salt water. Rinse.
  • Heat the vinegar in a saucepan and dissolve in the sugar and salt. Simmer the shallots, and garlic in this for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add soaked veggies. Mix thoroughly.
  • Allow the camput to pickle overnight or longer. Chill before serving.